You’ve all been very patient but the inaugural Freelance Journalism Awards 2023 shortlist is finally here!
The FFJ team did a lot of reading/watching/listening and then had a very long meeting to whittle down the shortlist for our seven categories. These have now gone to our judges to make the final verdict. We will announce the winners in the newsletter on June 7th.
Before we go on we have to say it was a really tough job just getting this far. The quality was incredibly high and it just shows how editors and publications rely on freelancers for amazing news stories, features and investigations. So thank you to all who entered and if you didn’t make the shortlist this time, we do hope this will become an annual thing, so please do enter again!

Best broadcast journalist
This category, sponsored by Women in Journalism, is for a freelance journalist working in radio, podcasting, TV or online.
Lucy Osborne (@Lucy_Osborne)
Anna Lawlor (@AnnaL_Media)
Lucinda Borrell (@lucindaborrell)
Bhavani Vadde (@BhavaniVadde)
Laura Price (@LauraPriceWrite)
Ellie Phillips (@ElliePhillipsUK)
Best print journalist
This category for a freelancer working in newspapers, magazines, journals or websites, is sponsored by the National Union of Journalists.
Gabriella Jozwiak (@GabriellaJ)
Tasnim Nazeer (@TasnimNazeer1)
Miranda Bryant (@mirandeee)
Chris Baraniuk (@chrisbaraniuk)
Amelia Tait (@ameliargh)
Will Coldwell (@will_coldwell)
Liz Cookman (@liz_cookman)
Andrew Kelsey (@AndrewKersley)
Hannah Summers (@hansummers)
Suzanne Baum (@suzanne_baum)
Best specialist journalist
This category can be print, broadcast or online and is sponsored by 5WH
Charlotte Vowden (@charlottevowden)
Hannah Summers (@hansummers)
Grace Holliday (@graceholliday)
Rachael Healy (@ohrhealy)
David Cox (@DrDavidACox)
Anna Turns (@AnnaTurns)
Precious Adesina (@precadesina)
Charlie Moloney (@charliemoloney)
Nick McGrath (@nhmcgrath)
Peter Yeung (@ptr_yeung)
Best news story
Also a print, broadcast or online category, this is being sponsored by News Associates.
Donna Ferguson (@DonnaLFerguson)
Andrew Kelsey (@AndrewKersley)
Charlie Moloney (@charliemoloney)
Miranda Bryant (@mirandeee)
Hannah Smith (@hannah_fran_)
Rachael Healy (@ohrhealy)
Best feature
The most entered category (not surprising given what most of us do day in, day out) sponsored by LIGHTBULB Entrepreneur & Press Hangout
Liz Cookman (@liz_cookman)
Sean McManus (@musicandwords)
David Cox (@DrDavidACox)
Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff (@CharlieBCuff)
Amelia Tait (@ameliargh)
Chloe Hamilton (@chloehamilton)
Jeremy Blackmore (JeremyB_Writer)
Norman Miller (LinkedIn)
Best investigation
This category is sponsored by
Katharine Quarmby (@KatharineQ)
Lucy Osborne (@Lucy_Osborne)
Eve Livingstone (@eve_rebecca)
Liz Perkins (@lizperkinsmedia)
Jen Stout (@jm_stout)
Oliver Murphy (@oliver_gmurphy)
Best piece of work by a student or early career journalist
Last but not least, this category is sponsored by The Media Mentor.
Philippa Kelly (@philippagkelly)
Rich Matousek (@RichMatousek)
Mauricio Alencar (@MauricioFCA_)
Lara Olszowska (@LaraOlszowska)
Noah Enahoro (@NoahAEnahoro)
Olly Haynes (more details here)
Cicely Norman (@cicely_sports)
Freya Graham (@freyagraham_)
Thank you again to everyone who entered and next week we will have a special newsletter sharing some of the articles, documentaries, TV packages and podcasts that were submitted. Also a big thanks to our sponsors for their excellent support which means we can give out prizes. And to our judges who now have a very tough job to do!
We love to hear your feedback on everything we do, so feel free to drop us an email anytime at
Bye for now!